During our recent visit to Uganda, Accomplish's trustees spent time shadowing the community outreach work, led by Sharon. She is delivering extensive help to people who would otherwise struggle to get any support at all.
Trustee Chris Harris, who is a paediatric doctor, reflected on the importance of this community-based work; it provides essential insight into children's home situations and operates incredibly well alongside external clinics to which children can be referred.

A highlight for all was visiting Mark (not his real name), who has cerebral palsy. Accomplish's trustees first met Mark during a previous visit in really challenging circumstances – he was tied up outside his family home whilst his relatives worked in the fields.
This year, it was uplifting to see Mark receiving much better care and to witness how the level of understanding within his family has improved. Mark now has a carer with him to support his needs and his quality of life is much better. It was obvious to the group that Mark was happy due to his wide heart-warming grin on show throughout the visit.