Memory’s first experience of disability was through having a son with cerebral palsy. He found it extremely challenging and isolating. He was frequently mocked by others who believed their child was bewitched or that his disability was a punishment from God. He often wondered how many others were in a similar situation and whether it would be possible to link up in some way. He dreamed of being able to create a community of such people who could come together and support each other, share mutual challenges and help one another find solutions.
At the time he was working as a local politician. As he went around meeting people he was surprised to find other people with disabilities, many of whom were kept shut away in their homes.
In 2014 he shared his ideas with a friend from church called Keith who was very enthusiastic. They decided they needed extra help and recruited Gladys. They settled on the name Heart of Mercy inspired by Matthew 5:7 (Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy). They believed that people with mercy in their heart would be the ones to care for their children.
They wanted to provide a support network for parents, do something for their children and above all, show them love. Their ultimate dream was to create a centre which would provide rehabilitation, where children could come to be cared for, fed, enabled to socialize and play and where their health could be monitored. Over and above this they would be taught life and vocational skills.
This would give respite, support and hope to the parents.
The vision of Heart of Mercy is for a more caring and inclusive society where every human being lives a dignified life.
Accomplish has been working with the Heart of Mercy, to make Memory’s dream a reality.