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Give the gift of education this Christmas

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

This Christmas, you can make a real difference to the lives of deaf, blind and disabled students at our primary and secondary schools in Uganda.

The schools are in desperate need of 40 new desks and 60 beds due to both the rising number of pupils and the general wear and tear of school life. Each desk costs £42 and each bed costs £60.

If you are able to donate, you would be buying much more than a desk or a bed; you would be enabling our schools to continue offering a supportive community where children can learn and grow their self-esteem.

School children working at their desks
School children working at their desks

Dr. Chris Harris, an Accomplish Trustee, explains the unique way in which the Rwenzori Association of Parents of Children with Disabilities (RAPCD) runs the schools:

"The RACPD model works to bring disabled children from the community who are often sadly frightened, scared and poorly cared for at home. In the villages there are still witch doctors around and lots of superstition, so disability is poorly understood and often seen as a curse.

"RAPCD welcomes children into its primary school where they realise they are not alone and learn (with the help of the staff and their peers) how to overcome their difficulties, gaining confidence alongside their education.

"Those who are able to continue into secondary education then move to an integrated secondary school where they can work confidently alongside non-disabled children, where they make new friends, learn how to get on in society and integrate with communities. It's wonderful to see."


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